Hand-crank lantern, flashlight, USB charger ($15)
This combination flashlight/lantern/USB charger will reward you with 15 minutes of light for for each minute you pleasure it by turning its crank. Amazon has it on sale for $15.
View ArticleConvicted felon televangelist Jim Bakker had a bad dream, so buy his...
https://youtu.be/UwRX7p5MIfg Watch Jim Berger's hilarious edit of televangelist Jim Bakker recalling his recent End Times dream. (more…)
View ArticleConvicted Christian con artist Jim Bakker now just literally selling buckets...
https://youtu.be/PwJaa-TFVSg Behold, how the mighty have fallen. (more…)
View ArticleA survivalist on why you shouldn't bug out
Seven years ago, Alex Steffen and I proposed that rather than preparing "bug out bags" you can grab and go with after the apocalypse, we should all have "bug-in bags" full of things we'll use to help...
View ArticleUndercover with a prepper militia that patrols the border to fight "drug...
Shane Bauer, the investigative journalist whose four month stint in a privately run Louisiana prison was one of 2016's most important pieces of journalism, has published a new piece in Mother Jones,...
View ArticleAmazon's "fish antibiotics" are a way for uninsured people to buy medicine...
Amazon has a ton of listings for "fish antibiotics" whose reviews reveal that the people who buy them are self-medicating because they can't afford a doctor's visit because they are uninsured or can't...
View ArticleOne-minute movie about a doomsday prepper
Gaspar Palacio is brilliant, and concise. "When the siren rings in the distance, a family has to get inside the shelter... Nothing will ever be the same again."
View ArticleThe main man for survivalist chow and prepper food
Aaaron Jackson, 42, is the CEO of Wise Co., a company that sells survival food like freeze-dried Savory Stroganoff, Loaded Baked Potato Casserole, and chicken pot pie in a pouch. His customers are...
View ArticleA paracord bracelet that contains firestarters and a fishing kit
The Outdoor Element Kodiak Survival Bracelet resembles the basic paracord bracelet, but when unwound, it reveals a strand that contains firelighting tinder (similar to jute) and a fishing line and...
View Article"Hope literacy,""functional denial" and other ways to keep going in this...
Earth Island News's interview with climate scientist and activist Susanne Moser is excellent, especially on how "hope literacy" (understanding different the flavors of hope) and "functional denial"...
View ArticleDoomsday Preppers are now selling timeshares, too
NPR has a bizarrely fascinating new piece about Drew Miller, the owner and founder of Fortitude Ranch, which is essentially a timeshare opportunity for Doomsday Preppers. Unlike the Survival Condos...
View ArticleNPR's no-nonsense guide to preparing your home for Covid-19
It's seems likely that Covid-19 will be a pandemic, maybe on the order of the 1918 Spanish Flu (listen to this podcast episode of The New York Times' The Daily for a persuasive argument as to why). It...
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